Do you remember that time I went to Hong Kong? No? Me neither, really.
After beginning work at my school in November, I had to make a visa run to Hong Kong before my allotted 60 days in the Mainland ran out.
The quick in-and-out flight to Hong Kong is the classic place to hit the reset button on the 10 year, 60 day-at-a-time Chinese tourist visa for American citizens, so I made the most of my short time in this world-class city.
I ate dim sum, visited the Temple Street Night Market, and explored antique shops and markets around town. I wandered down the pier, took the tram up to Victoria Peak, and at some seriously delicious Cantonese food.
It flew by like the ridiculously short trip that it was, and here are some photos to prove that I was even there.

And there you have it, fam. The extent of the quality photos I took during my first (and hopefully not last) trip to Hong Kong.
Happy travels!